Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birth Story

Should've gone natural as planned...

Baby boy is here, and smaller than estimated LONG - sorry.

I was induced 4-22 due to suspected macrosomia, excessive swelling, GBS positive, and issues with my IBS.  I arrived for my induction at 7.  By 9:00 Pitocin, antibiotics, and fluid were all running. 
At 10:30 I was between a 2 & 3, so he broke my water.  Baby was still -4 station.  About 1:00 my sister had talked me into an epidural.  Boy, was that a mistake! My blood pressure dropped. I had to have to hits of epinephrine.  This in turn made the baby's heart rate erratic.  He slowly adjusted, and I was given Zofran for nausea.  It only worked on one side, and I could not lift my right leg.  I was not happy.  My last 3 births were epi free, & I should';ve held out on this one.  I truly regret the useless epi with all that I am,
At 3:30 I was only a 4, and baby was in same station.  The nurse and I started talking about a c-section.  All of a sudden about 3:45 I felt a burning sensation with a lot of pressure.  I knew something had changed.  My wonderful nurse agreed to check me again.  I was a 10, but there was a small lip.  OB was called, along with several other nurses.  I pushed for 2 contractions when they had to turn off the epidural.  We waited for it to wear off enough so that I could feel where to push.  I began pushing again.  Baby was still very high.
There was also the issue of tearing.  In my 3 previous pregnancies I experienced 4th degree tears in 3 directions.  When baby's head was about half way out the OB had me stop pushing so that I could stretch around baby (hoping to prevent a tear),  After a while he could see that there was no way I was going to stretch that big.
He performed an episiotomy,  I also tore internally.  I asked the OB how many stitches - he said he stopped counting.  Baby Harry V was born at 4:56. He was 8 lb 9 oz.  OB had projected 10lb based on 33 week sono & me measuring between 4-6 weeks ahead.
He had some breathing problems in the first cpl of hours, but everything seems to be ok now.  I am breast feeding him now, and he is already a pro.  He has eaten 3 times in the last 2 hrs.  He is a monster already, lol.
Recovery will be a LONG process, but he is SSSSSOOOOO worth it,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

38 weeks 5 days

Wow. Induction tomorrow. Thank God, lol.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

38 weeks

How far along?: 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - and none of them fit at all anymore. Wearing the same pants/tank tops everyday, beacuse they are the only ones that fit.
Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable. Sleep is not possible.
Best moment of the week: Setting the induction date!
Movement: A LOT!! He likes to try to push his butt up between my ribs.  Head butting my cervix like a trampoline.
Gender: ALL Boy
Food cravings: Strawberry milk, spinach
Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure, head butting my cervix. Contractions all the time - but they are doing NOTHING...
Belly button in or out: Flat. Stretched and yucky brown color. Looks like a weird smiley face w/my piercing and the scars from my lap chole.
What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication, not throwing up in my mouth, not peeing when I sneeze, cough, laugh, walk...etc. Not being stared at. People not falling over themselves when they see how big I am. Breathing.  Walking.
What I'm looking forward to: Next Thursday!!

Induction Scheduled! 7 days til an outside baby!!

Induction is scheduled!! April 22nd.  EARTH DAY!! Which for all my friends who call me a tree hugger, ha! 
Anyway, so how do I feel about induction for the 4th time?  Let's go back to when I first found out I was pregnant - I said I wanted the completely natural - call the hubby & tell him my water broke, labor at home, experience.  Yeah, I'm over it.  This baby is HUGE, I am miserable.  Between reflux, asthma, and IBS I am over this pregnancy.  I want an outside baby!  My feet have swollen so large that I have stretch marks!! You can't even tell where my lg calves end and my feet begin.
So, induction it is!  No, I do not plan on having an epidural with this child either. Yes, I know you think I am crazy!
I am ready for BIG baby Harry so I can breastfeeed, cloth diaper, and teach him how to be a tree hugger too.
Preppy teenager - turned hippie.  mom of 5 by next week!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Benefit for my sister.

Danielle is only one of the 1,100 women killed each year due to the act of domestic violence. Thousands more are continuously being abused and only a handful of them are seeking the aid of shelters. We need your help in making a difference.

The Battered Women’s Foundation has become an enormous part of my friends and her families lives. In just four years, thier memorial/benefit has impacted numerous women and children and helped to provide them with life changing experiences. As they approach thier 5th Annual Danielle LeBlanc Memorial Concert on June 12, 2010, at No Frills Grill in Arlington, their family would like your help. They are still in need of some larger items such as fencing, authorities, staging, shirts for volunteers, etc. All of these things have a price and with the ability to network I believe we can make this one of the most beneficial years yet.

We are also collecting any items that may be put in the raffle.

The Battered Women’s Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to the support of women and children whose lives have been affected by domestic violence. The foundation provides clothing & food distribution, counseling, educational services, and more.

We would like to thank those of you that graciously contributed to last year’s event. You played a very large part in making our benefit a huge success and helped warm the hearts of many women and children.

If you are able to contribute or help us out in any way, please contact me or mail to: Anna Marie Corbin, Attn: Danielle LeBlanc Memorial Concert, P.O. Box 746, Burleson, TX 76097-0746. Or, if you would like, I could arrange to pick the item up at your convenience.

If you have any questions regarding this event or would like to be a sponsor, feel free to contact Anna Marie Corbin at 682-465-5631 or 682-465-5631 or

Thank you for your assistance.

We truly appreciate your support of the Danielle LeBlanc Concert Benefiting Battered Women.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

37 week OB appt

GBS swab. Dilated to 1cm and 70% effaced. With my last 2 boys I was dilated to 3cm @ 35 weeks, and they were both induced at 41 weeks. So even though I am due April 30th, I predict I will be induced with this one also. In fact, if I left it up to this kid I bet he would be a June baby, lol.

Dr still says I am measuring about 4 weeks ahead - so 41weeks. After growth ultrasound, DH birth weight, and previous babies, dr predicts a 10lb baby. I have to agree since @ growth u/s he measured almost 6lb.

Feet are HUGE.  Nursery is closer to complete. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

36 weeks

How far along?: 36 weeks

Total weight gain: 26 lbs

Maternity clothes: yes - and none of them fit at all anymore.  Had to buy some new clothes with only 4 weeks to go!

Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable. Sleep is not possible.

Best moment of the week: Getting to go see Princess in Spring Branch for the weekend.

Movement: A LOT!! He likes to try to push his butt up between my ribs.

Gender: Boy

Food cravings: Strawberry milk, Kolaches

Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure, head butting my cervix.  Contractions every 7 min during THE LAST SONG.  Then, nothing.

Bell button in or out: almost out. Stretched and yucky brown color. Looks like a weird smiley face w/my piercing and the scars from my lap chole.

What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication, not throwing up in my mouth, not peeing when I sneeze, cough, laugh, walk...etc. Not being stared at.  People not falling over themselves when they see how big  I am.

What I'm looking forward to: an outside baby.