Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ER last night

So, all day yesterday I was having severe cramps. Off and on, and they got progressively worse during the day. They started during my ATI testing (@ school). They were there when I was trying to celebrate my nephew's 1st birthday, and they had gotten worse after my nap.
Amazing hubby said he agreed with OB. It was time to go to the hospital. So, off to the ER we go...
They did blood work, sono, urine, swab, and everything was normal! The sono took FOREVER! and she only let me see baby for a second @ the end! She had me scared to death! Amazing hubby couldn't even go w/me for sono :(.
Anyway, 4 1/2 hrs later, baby is GREAT!! The problem is my IBS, as usual....
I <3 my baby!!