How far along?: 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - since 9 weeks, and they are not fitting as well now :(
Sleep: Can't get enough, but i am so uncomfortable
Best moment of the week: being kicked and punched in the cervix
Movement: Tons! He's mean!
Gender: Boy
Food cravings: grilled chicken, ding dongs
Labor signs: lots of Braxton Hicks
Bell button in or out: In - barely
What I miss most: my feet?
What I'm looking forward to: starting on the nursery
Milestones: baby is size of an eggplant according to the bump. I bet he is way bigger than that, though
Countdown: 13 weeks
Things to do:
1. Rip out carpet
2. Stain concrete
3. Build wall
4. Paint entire house
5. Finish kitchen cabinets
6. Re-caulk bathtub
7. Shower
8. Put entire baby room together - assemble/arrange everything!
Wow! Quite a list, huh??