Should've gone natural as planned...
Baby boy is here, and smaller than estimated LONG - sorry.
I was induced 4-22 due to suspected macrosomia, excessive swelling, GBS positive, and issues with my IBS. I arrived for my induction at 7. By 9:00 Pitocin, antibiotics, and fluid were all running.
At 10:30 I was between a 2 & 3, so he broke my water. Baby was still -4 station. About 1:00 my sister had talked me into an epidural. Boy, was that a mistake! My blood pressure dropped. I had to have to hits of epinephrine. This in turn made the baby's heart rate erratic. He slowly adjusted, and I was given Zofran for nausea. It only worked on one side, and I could not lift my right leg. I was not happy. My last 3 births were epi free, & I should';ve held out on this one. I truly regret the useless epi with all that I am,
At 3:30 I was only a 4, and baby was in same station. The nurse and I started talking about a c-section. All of a sudden about 3:45 I felt a burning sensation with a lot of pressure. I knew something had changed. My wonderful nurse agreed to check me again. I was a 10, but there was a small lip. OB was called, along with several other nurses. I pushed for 2 contractions when they had to turn off the epidural. We waited for it to wear off enough so that I could feel where to push. I began pushing again. Baby was still very high.
There was also the issue of tearing. In my 3 previous pregnancies I experienced 4th degree tears in 3 directions. When baby's head was about half way out the OB had me stop pushing so that I could stretch around baby (hoping to prevent a tear), After a while he could see that there was no way I was going to stretch that big.
He performed an episiotomy, I also tore internally. I asked the OB how many stitches - he said he stopped counting. Baby Harry V was born at 4:56. He was 8 lb 9 oz. OB had projected 10lb based on 33 week sono & me measuring between 4-6 weeks ahead.
He had some breathing problems in the first cpl of hours, but everything seems to be ok now. I am breast feeding him now, and he is already a pro. He has eaten 3 times in the last 2 hrs. He is a monster already, lol.
Recovery will be a LONG process, but he is SSSSSOOOOO worth it,
At 10:30 I was between a 2 & 3, so he broke my water. Baby was still -4 station. About 1:00 my sister had talked me into an epidural. Boy, was that a mistake! My blood pressure dropped. I had to have to hits of epinephrine. This in turn made the baby's heart rate erratic. He slowly adjusted, and I was given Zofran for nausea. It only worked on one side, and I could not lift my right leg. I was not happy. My last 3 births were epi free, & I should';ve held out on this one. I truly regret the useless epi with all that I am,
At 3:30 I was only a 4, and baby was in same station. The nurse and I started talking about a c-section. All of a sudden about 3:45 I felt a burning sensation with a lot of pressure. I knew something had changed. My wonderful nurse agreed to check me again. I was a 10, but there was a small lip. OB was called, along with several other nurses. I pushed for 2 contractions when they had to turn off the epidural. We waited for it to wear off enough so that I could feel where to push. I began pushing again. Baby was still very high.
There was also the issue of tearing. In my 3 previous pregnancies I experienced 4th degree tears in 3 directions. When baby's head was about half way out the OB had me stop pushing so that I could stretch around baby (hoping to prevent a tear), After a while he could see that there was no way I was going to stretch that big.
He performed an episiotomy, I also tore internally. I asked the OB how many stitches - he said he stopped counting. Baby Harry V was born at 4:56. He was 8 lb 9 oz. OB had projected 10lb based on 33 week sono & me measuring between 4-6 weeks ahead.
He had some breathing problems in the first cpl of hours, but everything seems to be ok now. I am breast feeding him now, and he is already a pro. He has eaten 3 times in the last 2 hrs. He is a monster already, lol.
Recovery will be a LONG process, but he is SSSSSOOOOO worth it,