Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eff you Reflux. or, Reflux can suck it.

We=baby & I
We sleep in 45min intervals. (Hubby sleeps just fine)
We breastfeed every hour.
I change 8-10 cloth diapers a day.
I do 2 loads of laundry a day because everything has been puked on.
We wear our outfits for a maximum of 2 hours.
I now know that a dog will eat vomited breast milk.
Reflux you can eff off thank you very much.

Words of wisdom from reflux.com:
Beth’s Rule of Sixes – completely unscientific

If you can answer yes to six of these, maybe it isn't "just" colic... maybe it is acid reflux

Your baby cries six hours a day

For six days a week

It has been going on for over six weeks

The neighbor six doors down can hear the screaming

You tried six formulas or cut six foods from your diet if nursing

You and your baby need six changes of clothes per day

It takes six hours to feed six ounces

Your baby never sleeps for more than 60 minutes at a time

Your baby spits up six times after each bottle

You keep wondering if you overlooked a 666 birthmark

At the last six appointments doc said "colic" or “babies just cry”

You dread driving anywhere more than six minutes away

Your baby belches like a six year old

Six hours alone with the baby is the max anybody can take

You do six loads of laundry a week - just for you and the baby

By six pm you want a 7

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Boob man

My exclusive breast feeder is only happy on a boob.  Like father, like son I guess! 
I will say that bf'ing at your 13-year olds baseball game is interesting.