Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
34 WEEKS!!
How far along?: 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - and none of them fit at all anymore. Most are way too short to cover boobs/belly.
Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable
Best moment of the week: Getting my big kids for part of their spring break even though it was their dad's yr.
Movement: A LOT!! He's huge, and not real comfortable.
Gender: Boy
Food cravings: Strawberry milk
Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure, head butting my cervix
Bell button in or out: almost out. Stretched and yucky brown color. Looks like a weird smiley face w/my piercing and the scars from my lap chole.
What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication, not throwing up in my mouth, not peeing when I sneeze, cough, laugh, walk...etc
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery!!
Total weight gain: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - and none of them fit at all anymore. Most are way too short to cover boobs/belly.
Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable
Best moment of the week: Getting my big kids for part of their spring break even though it was their dad's yr.
Movement: A LOT!! He's huge, and not real comfortable.
Gender: Boy
Food cravings: Strawberry milk
Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure, head butting my cervix
Bell button in or out: almost out. Stretched and yucky brown color. Looks like a weird smiley face w/my piercing and the scars from my lap chole.
What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication, not throwing up in my mouth, not peeing when I sneeze, cough, laugh, walk...etc
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Growth U/S
We had a long sono, probably because Amazing Hubby and silly OB could not quit talking. Yeah, I probably had something to do with that, also! Anyway, after many comments about how huge his head is, how he looks like a hippo baby, how massive his feet are, etc. The estimated weight is 5lb 12oz. That can be + or - 1lb 3oz. Dr says he'd guess larger, rather than smaller. He is head down, and his butt is in between my ribs. Yeah, like I didn't know that already!
Amazing hubby and OB discussed male part size. Said daddy should be proud. Yeah, they were really having a good time. Hubby even asked if OB had located the motorcycle that he was sure his son was building! OMG.
Little one was there, and chimed in frequently. He is crazy excited, and has been SO helpful!
Had Hooters for lunch. Baby either hates it, or loves it. He was kicking like crazy!
Today I am making burritos, soup, enchiladas, and lumpia to freeze. I hope it lasts a few weeks after birth, but I bet it'll all be gone before he even gets here, knowing my family.
Amazing hubby and OB discussed male part size. Said daddy should be proud. Yeah, they were really having a good time. Hubby even asked if OB had located the motorcycle that he was sure his son was building! OMG.
Little one was there, and chimed in frequently. He is crazy excited, and has been SO helpful!
Had Hooters for lunch. Baby either hates it, or loves it. He was kicking like crazy!
Today I am making burritos, soup, enchiladas, and lumpia to freeze. I hope it lasts a few weeks after birth, but I bet it'll all be gone before he even gets here, knowing my family.
Monday, March 8, 2010
How far along?: 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - since 9 weeks, and some do not fit at all anymore. Most are way too short to cover boobs/belly.
Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable
Best moment of the week: baby shower! we got TONS of stuff!
Movement: A LOT!! Amazing Hubby got to feel him a lot last night.
Gender: Boy
Food cravings: Mc Doubles.
Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure
Bell button in or out: almost out. Stretched and yucky brown color.
What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication
What I'm looking forward to: Growth Sonogram Thursday. My 5th Sono!!
1. Finish wall (converted front living room into nursery) - tape, mud, texture.
2. Paint
3. Wash clothes
4. Buy carseat, PnP, and more CD (cloth diapers)
5. Set up room
6. Install car seat
Wow, the list is not so bad. (It would be better if it was done, though!)
It's getting hard to do anything since my right foot is swollen 4x its size and it won't go down :(
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Maternity clothes: yes - since 9 weeks, and some do not fit at all anymore. Most are way too short to cover boobs/belly.
Sleep: none. Between carpal tunnel, swollen right foot, and hips, I cannot get comfortable
Best moment of the week: baby shower! we got TONS of stuff!
Movement: A LOT!! Amazing Hubby got to feel him a lot last night.
Gender: Boy
Food cravings: Mc Doubles.
Labor signs: some crazy BH, Pelvic pressure
Bell button in or out: almost out. Stretched and yucky brown color.
What I miss most: sleeping comfortably, seeing my feet normal size, heart burn medication
What I'm looking forward to: Growth Sonogram Thursday. My 5th Sono!!
1. Finish wall (converted front living room into nursery) - tape, mud, texture.
2. Paint
3. Wash clothes
4. Buy carseat, PnP, and more CD (cloth diapers)
5. Set up room
6. Install car seat
Wow, the list is not so bad. (It would be better if it was done, though!)
It's getting hard to do anything since my right foot is swollen 4x its size and it won't go down :(
Monday, March 1, 2010
31 week appt.
HKSV is measuring 37 weeks!! WTF?? So, now we will have a sonogram on 3/11 to determine size & a plan if he is really that big.
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