Went in to my appt with middle one. He was so over it. Bored. Whatever. He actually smiled when he heard the heartbeat, but don't tell anyone, he's too cool for that. Heartrate was 160 today. Everything seems fine! Scheduled my NT scan. The 4th, 3 days before my sis' wedding (destination wedding!). Maybe we'll know the sex??
How far along?: 12 weeks
Total weight gain: I just got back to my pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: yes :(
Sleep: Can't get enough
Best moment of the week: Hearing the heartbeat (160)
Movement: Not yet
Gender: maybe @ NTscreening next week
Food cravings: nothing. maybe milk or cheese
Labor signs: No way jose
Bell button in or out: In
What I miss most: Dr Pepper
What I'm looking forward to: finding out the sex, feeling the baby move,
Weekly wisdom:
Milestones: Baby is size of a Plum :)